

How to config the authentification.

<Callout type="note" twClass="mt-0"> The auth part is similar at the [authjs]( documentation. You can follow the official documentation [here]( if you want. </Callout> <Callout type="danger" twClass="mt-3"> After upgrade Auth.js to v5: `NEXTAUTH_URL` has removed from `.env` file. Same thing **in production**. </Callout>

Update auth_secret variable

The only environment variable that is mandatory is the AUTH_SECRET. This is a random value used by the library to encrypt tokens and email verification hashes. You can generate one via running:

npx auth secret

Alternatively, you can use the openssl CLI, openssl rand -base64 33.

Or this link for generate a random secret key.

Then add it to your .env file:

AUTH_SECRET = secret;

Update google client variables

In this section, you can update these variables:


Video explanation

Watch a youtube video from CodeWithAntonio on how to configure the environment variables for NextAuth with Google authentication.

<iframe className="mt-6 aspect-video w-full" src="" title="Next Auth V5 - Advanced Guide (2024)" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share; fullscreen" referrerPolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowFullScreen ></iframe>
  • GoogleAuth local config at 3:24:30
  • Update GoogleAuth after deployment at 7:52:31

Google config for this repo

<img className="mt-4 overflow-hidden rounded-lg border" src="/_static/docs/gg-auth-config.jpg" />